Between Philosophy and Science

Between Philosophy and Science
Between Philosophy and ScienceBetween Philosophy and Science
Autor: , , , , , , , , , ,

Cena: 68.88 zł   99.90 zł
Oszczędzasz: 30.969 zł

Data wydania:
Liczba stron:256

Format eBook: epub,mobi,pdf epub  epub,mobi,pdf mobi  epub,mobi,pdf pdf 

A ground-breaking collection of essays which tackles the philosophical issues at play in cosmology, physics, mathematics and neuroscience. Considering topics such as the presence of ontology in cosmological theory and physics, it also weighs up the philosophical issues connected with mathematical method, the neuroscience of emotions and evolutionary anthropology. Contributions also feature on structuralism in the Platonic philosophy of science and the issue of knowledge and faith. A must for anyone interested in the philosophy of science.